The Grass in the Meadow
The meadow grass is tall now, oh so tall!
Let's roam through it,turning somersaults as we go .
Hand in hand, pace by pace,
our wee feet tread the
green of spring.
Forget about the thorns or prickly leaves !
Let's hide and seek in its leafy cover;
buttercups round us,
palm trees above,tall and straight,
sweet jasmines among the wattle .
We pull the lilies and
hunt the butterflies and watch
where cute grasshoppers hop,
enticed by fresh dews' gleam.
The meadow grass is tall now, oh so tall!
Over the meadow, our fair feet skim.
watch where squirrels hide their nuts
or catch the tails of dragon-flies.
Will not that rabbit hide from eagles'
eyes, to survive another day ?
Our childish mind, so protective of the weak !
The grass of the meadow's tall now, oh so tall!
Where're the boy and girl who once roamed
its buxom, innocent and care free?
The wavy tall grass reply not the question
it too, has turned yellow, crunchy,dried
and grow again.
Agatha Lai 08.02.04