The padi field in Penampang in days of yore
Planting Padi
To a farmer, to have a piece of padi field
is eualvalent to having a long term rice bowl for the family. Working in the padi field involves every member
of the family.
A plough,drawned by a buffalo, is the traditional method of ploughing the field.
tractors are used by most farmers.
When it is planting time, padi seedlings are gathered from
the nursery and planted by women.
Later , when the padi gradually ripens, the children are Put in charge of
scaring away the birds, the rats and other pests , although scare crows are also used.
Harvesting comes .
All hands are needed ! Sometimes the method gotong royong which means working together as a team , is practiced
in the kampung or village .
This is a popular planting song :
Planting rice is never fun Bend from morn
till set of sun Never stand and never sit Never rest a little bit.