Why do we want to change the world ?
Why does she need changes ?
Look around you:
Do you see trees cut down,
forests become concrete jungles?
Do you see the disappearing greenness everywhere;
Rivers polluted and species of animals extinct
and our ozone layers are thinner?
Just look around you !
Why do we want to change the world ?
Why does she need changes?
Unless you don't see babies hungry and mothers sick.
Unless you don't see them tired and weak.
Why is half the world overfed
and the other half suffers from malnutrition?
Why not everybody equal and happy ?
Why not ?
Why do we want to change the world ?
Why does she need to be changed ?
If we worship God,
why are there still wars everywhere ?
Why ?
Don't we know God doesn't want us to fight ?
That is something not right !
We can't pray and fight at the same time.
So let this song be heard. Let it chime.
Why do we want to change the world ?
So as our world will remain as beautiful as it was in the beginning,
So that human right is upheld,
and we die a natural death of old age and even of sickness
and not sudden, unpredicted death;
So that boys and girls know
what is right and what is wrong
and not follow the trend of the throng,
So that there's food on the table for everybody,
unjust treatments befall nobody,
so that we see beauty everywhere
in kindness shown here and there.