Later , we witness parades of
people of
all walks of life , dressed
in various costumes,
carrying banners, slogans
all neat and gay.
The trump , trump of their footsteps
can be heard
through-out the stadium. In
neat files they march on
and on to victory ,
harmony and peace !
Then come the beautiful
floods , gaily adorn.
Some young girls, all smiles,
wave to the crowds.
It's truly a pretty sight
to behold.
The scouts band play the lively
local songs,
make you want to dance or hum
The police band and the
army troops' march,
arouse in us the awesome feeling
, that
ours is a nation ,
strong , secure and safe.
May Malaysia see many
happy years to come !
The annual celebrations
end with three cheers,
Agatha Lai