The Rain
Outside I watch the rain . It falls, in pitter-patter drops .They splash
and splash and wet the ground and walls . Outside I watch the rain. It
falls . like dreams; awaken sweet recalls of past events ; the dreams , the gash . Outside I watch the rain. It falls in pitter-patter drops .They splash !
The lightning glares, the thunders roll;! Oh ! what a splash ! Oh! what a pour! They make a din, they
make a toll . The lightning glares, the thunders roll . We cannot go out for a stroll . We stay inside and close
our door . The lightning glares, the thunders roll Oh ! what a splash ! Oh! what a pour!
The birds fly home, the flowers drop and fauna , flora , drink
away ! The sky is grey and droop the crops ; The birds fly home, the flowers drop . We hope the rain will wane
and stop and sun comes out to rule the day . The birds fly home, the flowers
drop and fauna, flora drink away !
GIFTS from GOD !
The clean air that sustains human's and living creatures' lives.
The sunlight that emits heat ... You
can be someone's sunlight !
An open road that leads to hope , life and love.
The windows to our inner self . To know oneself !
The smile on the face of a child after the tear drops.
The beauty of independence .
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The beauty of languages ; to praise and to pray to God.
To be exposed to sweet music, good poetry and inspirations.
To know the existence of God and to spread it.
To spread the truth , not to obstrude it.
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To walk with one arm on the shoulder of a friend ; another
on a friend's neck.
To sigh with satisfaction at a piece of work well-done.
To feed the hungry, clothe the naked , console the
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By day to work and play , by night to sleep sound sleep of peace.
To share a treasure with your friends, neighbours
and the world
To hear the birds sing , the brooks bubble along.
To clear old junks around the house ; to browse through them
in reverie.
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To take a sentimental journey to your place of birth or
read your
virgin piece of art .
Not to multiply facts but to simplify them so the less knowledgable
have assess to them.
Be thou not snobbish nor showy by actions , words or deeds.
To find delight in watching children at play.
To be healthy , happy and earning a living.
To splash in the water of freedom and bathe in the tides
of love.
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Agatha Lai 24.10.03