A beautiful place is the little town I live. The quiet streets are lines
by tall trees. Flowers are everywhere, and shrubs of every kind in colours of every hues adorn the gardens of every
home .
Here you can find markets , supermarkets and so many shops Lots of schools , churches and beaches too .
There are parks for recreation and relaxation Roads lead everywhere you wish to go .
Parents often bring their
children for a walk In the evening when warm days become cool Childrens laughter , adults voices ring out in the even
breeze . Some young people in their shorts and T shirts jog Along the paths looking all healthy and stout .
mornings, churches ring their bells. They sound so loud and clear ; you hear them miles away. Church goers in their
Sunday best make holy the Lords day. Their souls they attend to ; not just on Sunday But every day of the week of
the year .
This is a place of peace and tranquillity A place of contented people living a simple life. Where
the laws of the Lord are kept and respected Where every race mingle in harmony. Where food is not lacking unless your
labour is wanting.
On a clear day, you can see the mountains, Rise high above the landscape Their peak
, touching the clouds in a haze of blue . Some days when you dont see the peak . As white clouds obscure it from view
. Only on fine days does it make itself reveal .
Far away from this town lie streams and waterfalls. Where
holiday makers roam and wander To rest their minds and hearts and bodies . Some love to dip their bodies in its refreshing
deep. Animals , small or big frequent the water side too. To drink , to bathe and to wash away The dirt and mould
of the wild , wild land they roam.
This town , my hometown , my heaven on earth !
By Agatha Lai
Oh , Blessed Father , hear this humble prayer
Strengthen me in the hours of my needs
Forgive me my erring ways
Put purpose in my days
Give me understanding
Enough to make me kind
To those people around me
And judge people with my heart
Not with my mind
Keep me and guide me
And go with me today .
And may the peace of the Lord
Be with all of us here , today ,tomorrow and everyday .
I trust in Your Wisdom , Lord