Today , the weather is cold . It is drizzling outside . My thoughts are far away , to the garden outside . I
know when I am not thinking then all my ideas will come tumbling . On the other hand , when I think hard , they are so illusive
; as if playing a game of hide and seek with me . Now I see , now I don't see , you know what I mean .
Yes , to come back to today's topic . I have read the chapter and reread it ; this chapter about self doubt
. But I just closed that chaper and started writing ; because it is my own idea that I try to catch . I cannot
echo the writer's idea . I cannot think like him . But I do get some ideas from him , from somewhere
of how to write this topic.
What do people do when they have self -doubt ? They may begin to have the negative feelings about themselves.
Yes , for a child , it is as simple as that ; he gets the answers from parents,There are also his
teachers , friends , elders and betters who can help out .But very often than not he doesn't get
the right answers or approach the right persons . His best friend may be a drug addict , a delinquent or a bad character
That's when all the problems come in , you have delinquent children , problem teenagers who can infleunce
you more than good friends , teachers or religious people can . The adults too , need someone to talk to about their emotional
problems ,their marriage life , financial proiblems etc .
Almost not many think of approaching God to solve their problems , or that is what I think .For the problems
are kind of worldly and need worldly solutions or experts' opinions on this and that .
However , we are lucky to be Christians for we can approach Our Lord, Our Lady to help solve
our problems , like David in Psalm 26 .
So I put my trust in the Lord .He will replace my insecurity with His supernatural peace . Feeding my faith will
starve my doubts . ( Quoted }
Agatha Lai
Who do you say I am ?
If Jesus asked you this question , what will your answer be ? If Jesus asked me this question
I think I'll give the same answer as Peter , " You are Christ.'
Yes, Christ is God .The son of God. Because I read it in St . John's Gospel that when Jesus was
baptized by John the Baptist,he saw heaven open and the spirit of God descend like a dove, alighting on him and
a voice from heaven said, " This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased ."
Jesus, time and again proved that he is God,the Son, He performed many miracles. He cured the
sick and raised the death to life. He changed water to wine and fed 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and
2 fishes.
He was born as a man to be close to us, to be Our Saviour.In those days,he had to teach the Jewish
people the kingdom of God. He chose Peter and the other apostles to spread the faith . Luckily for us , the good
news is spread from Israel to other countries then later through the good and brave work of missionaries , the
faith is spread to us.
His followers are called Christians, after his name Christ . That's us. We are Christians.And
we are Catholics.
We are lucky to be the followers of Christ. I give thanks and praise to God.
Agatha Lai