God, must I walk along this path
to get to
heaven where you are ?
Can't I take
an easier path,
we can frolic and play guitar?
See, the orange sun is setting.
Birds are flying homeward.
Can’t I linger another moment
to savour the sun while it lasts
Lord, must I walk along this path?
It's full
of thorns and snares.
there another way,
an easier
one, I pray ?
God , you
are a shinning star;
the azure sky is your altar.
If I have
two wings I will fly
Towards heaven
where you are.
Yes, I am walking along this path
It is not that difficult.
I am doing
all that's right.
I hope I am
learning fast.
I know, to get to You,
I must finish
my earth’s journey,
Endure its trials and tribulations,
trek through snares and
and suffer life's many
We are strengthen, when we endure the test.
You will guide us to do our
One day when life on earth
is done,
We hope to see the Father and the Son.
Agatha Lai