Life is a challenge , face it .
Life is a joy , savour it .
Life is a dream , realize it .
Life is a disaster , conquer it.
Life is an illusion , see through it
Life is a lover , woo it.
Life is a temptress , yeild to it.
Life is fun , play along with it.
Life is a balance , weigh it.
Life is colourful , appreciate it.
Life is a persecution , lie low till it's over.
Life is a torment , we come out of ot stronger.
Life is precious , value it.
Life has its ups and downs .
Our cups of life is filled with different drinks.
Life is full of stormy waves . As soon
as one is over , the next one will follow.
Life is a fathonless well. Draw water
of hope from it.
Life is a race. Reach the end of it , a victor
To live is to die eventually . Be sure
you make preparation for
everlasting life hereafter.
Agatha Lai 00