My Sanctuary

Simple Verses

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Simple Verses

There is a friend we treat like a stranger.
At first we lodged him in a manger.
To Him we should invite,
" Please be my guest to-night ."
He is Our Saviour, not a stranger.

* * *

See what a lovely shell,
Small and cute like a bell,
I stopped to pick it up,
and kept it in a cup
to see the waves in it swell !

* * *

This is a message to you,
Peace be with you when each day is through.
Your loved ones close by,
to cheer you when you cry.
The sky bove is always blue.

* * *

There is a teacher called Anitara.
She knows a lot about diet and amoeba.
When comes to theories of life she lectures
but pupils listen then draw pictures
Of this teacher called Anitara !

* * *
For the kindness you have shown
To people known or unknown,
For cherishing life
and braving its strife
You have won yourself a throne.

* * *

Each day I wake to see the sun
bathe in its rays while I eat a bun.
Then I start a busy day
with much to do and say.
After work I jog for fun.

* * *

There was a man fishing by a river.
Suddenly he saw a beaver.
He wished it was a fish
so he could enjoy a dish.
But the man was still fishing by the river.

* * *

There was a young man in the Tropic.
His hobby was dancing aerobic.
He danced all night,
Until his hair grew all white.
This funny man of the Tropic.

* * *

Let's sing a song of praise,
Our voices to Heaven raise.
Our Lord has come down to earth.
To redeem us He was given birth.
He has set the world ablaze.

* * *

When the sun sets, what a delight
to see it go down the horizon & comes twilight.
Slowly, the moon peeps above the tree.
Birds and bats dart here & there, free .
God is the creator of this great sight!

* * *

The grass has now turned yellow ,
It's crunchy and not a good pillow.
The time will come when we don't look so bonny
and as we peep from our balcony,
we won't have to see that strange fellow.

* * *

Afar, the mountains stand
For centuries, but some crumble to be sand.
To eternity they silently stray,
Their trees grow and decay.
Great nature is grand.

* * *

Pale moon peeps through leaf-fringed sky.
It shines up above high.
On a starry night,
you 'll love the sight
and sigh and sigh.

* * *

When I say my prayers to day,
I whisper and say,
Lord , thank you for making this world,
A beautiful place for us all,
Pray let it remain so , You'll not say nay.


Let the Rain Fall !

Come crouch beside me.
Together we brave the shower.
Don't  worry about the wet clothes and hair,
as  long as  our spirits are not dampened.

So let the rain fall!