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            Mary, the immaculate perpetually virgin Mother of God, after the completion of  her early life, was assumed body and soul into the glory of heaven( Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus, 1950)               
       Marys Assumption would have been impossible without Jesuss Resurrection, for it is  His resurrection power which will glorify our bodies Philippian 3:21 )      
      The Bible says that Mary is the Mother of Jesus.(Acts !:14) and that Jesus is God ( Isaiah 9:6 , John 1:1 ; John  20:28 ) So Mary is truly the Mother of God the Son according to the flesh.God has no mother in eternity, but when God the Son became  man ,He was born of the virgin Mary .(Matthew 1:16).  So she is His mother in His Incarnation.          
 Mary was born without original sin. She was preserved by Gods grace  from ever committing a sin during her life, as Jesuss holiness demanded that He be born of a holy woman. Mary committed no sin when she asked Jesus to change water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. She did it out of compassion for the young couple. God does not grant sinful requests.  He granted Marys request so she did not commit a sin. Mary is not omniscient  so she did not know it was not yet time for Jesus to reveal himself publicly before his time.                 
 Mary, being the Mother of Jesus,  thus it was not fitting that the body which was sanctified to bear GOD incarnate should see corruption.Thus she was taken up into heaven by God .or she was assumed into heaven.     
 The early Christian believed in Mary's assumption is proven in the lack of her relics, empty tombs .They  were very careful to keep the relics of saints and martyrs, even if it involved great risk. We know where the bones of St. Peter, Mary Magdalene and many others  are buried. But where are the remains of the Virgin Mary? There is no record of anyone ever claiming to possess the body of the Mother of
 There was and still is  a lot of debates as to the truth of the Assumption. But we Christians know and believe in Marys Assumption without doubt..            
                                                Agatha Lai01

( AG. 12 )

To do an act of kindness is to really do it not just say it.  Whatever we plan to do , it must be within your ability to carry out .
I  always start with my mum since my father has already passed away. She is the first one I would be thinking of as she is the dearest person in the world to me, next to my family. I will go and see her now and then and be sure she is of good cheer.
Ill constantly remind her of my love for her and that I am still her little girl . If I dont go and see her Ill ring her up for chit- chat , to keep her informed of the family news. Ill make sure her freeze is full of
Meat, fish and snacks for her to lead a comfortable life ( which shes leading)
I suppose , one will think of ones family next as they say charity begins at home.  I sure will do my best for them  . ( Ill spare you the details ) .
To the people around me , Ill always be as friendly as I can and always have a warm heart to their needs. Ill try to be sensitive to others feelings and remember Christ want us to Love our neighbours as ourselves .
To the strangers , Ill like to make them feel  , they are no strangers but one of us . ( Is it easy to do ?)
Ill contribute my service freely to the people around me , be it in the form of writings or charity work and to the world at large .
 Ill always be kind to the person who stares back at me in the mirror.
 Thats all !